Kalos Community Blog

Dive into a compassionate space designed to navigate the complexities of trauma with empathy and insight. Our blog is a sanctuary for those seeking solace, knowledge, and practical guidance on the journey toward healing from past wounds.

The Rising Price Tag of Mental Illness: Unveiling the Total Financial Cost in the United States Jul 23, 2024

In the mosaic of societal challenges, mental illness stands as a formidable piece, its impact reverberating far beyond the confines of individual suffering. As we peer behind the curtain of...

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Pros & Cons of Social Media on Trauma and Relief Jul 09, 2024

In an age dominated by digital connectivity, social media has emerged as a double-edged sword, simultaneously exacerbating trauma and offering solace and relief to those in need. From triggering...

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How Affirmations Support Individuals in Trauma and Society Jul 02, 2024

In a world often filled with challenges and uncertainties, the practice of positive affirmations offers a beacon of hope and resilience. Whether facing personal trauma or navigating the...

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What Not to Say to Someone Going Through Trauma Jul 01, 2024

Navigating conversations with individuals who are experiencing trauma can be challenging. While our intentions may be well-meaning, our words have the power to either comfort or inadvertently cause...

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A Time of Transition Jun 18, 2024

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and joy. From the moment they are expecting, they embarks on a transformative experience that encompasses physical,...

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Trauma Coping Strategies in the Top 5 Countries with the Longest Life Expectancy Jun 11, 2024

The quest for longevity has fascinated humanity for centuries, and as advancements in healthcare and living standards continue, some countries have emerged as leaders in life expectancy. Beyond...

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Unveiling the Disparities Jun 04, 2024

As societies age and demographics shift, the challenges faced by older individuals come into sharper focus. Despite the wealth of experience and wisdom they offer, older adults often find...

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The Vital Importance of Continuing Education in Mental Health May 21, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of mental health care, the pursuit of knowledge is not merely a professional obligation but a moral imperative. Continuing education serves as the cornerstone of...

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Understanding the Tolerance Window: Navigating Stress and Resilience May 14, 2024

In the face of life's challenges, we often find ourselves teetering on a delicate balance between stress and resilience. This delicate equilibrium is governed by what psychologists refer to as the...

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Finding Calm Amidst Chaos: Learning to Breathe During Traumatic Events May 07, 2024

In moments of trauma, the body's natural response is often to react with heightened stress and anxiety. Breathing, a fundamental and involuntary function, can become irregular and shallow,...

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Everyday Coping Mechanisms May 01, 2024

Life is full of ups and downs, challenges, and uncertainties. In the face of adversity, our ability to cope effectively can make all the difference in maintaining our well-being and navigating...

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Navigating the Depths of Cultural Trauma May 01, 2024

In the tapestry of human experience, cultural trauma casts a long shadow, leaving indelible marks on the collective psyche of communities and generations. It's the silent scream echoing through the...

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